
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Grilled Vegetables

Does it get any better?  Any easier? Any fresher?
This is summer!  Get the beautiful grill-able vegetables this Saturday at the farmers market; toss them with olive oil, fresh herbs, salt and pepper. Then grill and serve - hot * cold * or room-temp = it's all good!

What are some of the season’s best vegetables to grill?

Summer Squash
Both Zucchini and the Yellow variety hold up famously on the grill – slice them lengthwise or quarter them on a kabob.

Green & Wax Beans
Beans grill very nicely and develop a nutty flavor – just got to use a grilling basket to keep them out of the fire.

Just like squash slice them or skewer them up.  Make sure to marinate.

Bell Peppers
Char them whole for wonderful ‘roasted’ peppers, or grill them up in a medley basket.

Quickly grill halved tomatoes, mix cherry tomatoes with other veggies, or slice them up and toss them with the hot grilled veggies off the grill – they will hold most of their shape and add flavor and moistness to the bunch (the latter is what I did above)

Marinate and grill – easy and delicious.

Grill thick rings for a sweet caramelized flavor, or slice them up with your other veggies.  Grilled Scallions are great too!

On the cob or shucked – however you like it.  Make extra for a wonderful salad or salsa component.

Yes. Great on the grill.  Parboil first, or slice and wrap in foil.  So good.

This is just the beginning and the possibilities are endless.  Why not carrots, beets, or grilled lettuce?  I would love to hear about your unconventional vegetable grilling success.  Please share.

Find me on Facebook: Lara McNeil on Nutrition and Food

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