
Monday, January 30, 2012

Perimenopause…. Huh?

In choosing a topic to blog about in the coming months I pretty quickly decided to write about something that I feel is unrepresented in the Life Cycle: Perimenopause.  Although at one point Oprah attempted to create awareness about this transition in women’s hormonal life, it didn’t really stick. 

I am seeing my own friends in their late 30s and early 40s struggle with symptoms that are associated with perimenopause and not necessarily creating the link.  This can be very frustrating for anyone: to just not feel “right” and not know why.  Like many other adjustments our bodies experience I believe that we can make nutritional choices that will lessen or eliminate some of these symptoms

What is perimenopause anyway?  Webster defines it as the period around the onset of menopause that is often marked by various physical signs (as hot flashes and menstrual irregularity).  AKA: pre-menopause.  Interesting is that the first use of this term is listed as 1962, which may explain why the Word document where I am typing this post in is littered with red underlines.  OK Microsoft: get with the program.  While these pre-menopausal physical signs typically begin around age 45 they can also effect those as young as 25 years of age.  Premenopausal women are still fertile but they are experiencing the onset of some of the symptoms of menopause.  There are many young women that would not even consider perimenopause to explain physical changes that they are experiencing (sadly, their doctors might not either).

When I begin searching for information about perimenopause I am often directed to sites that are actually addressing menopause, which is a bit frustrating.  Are women in their 30s and 40s being overlooked by the medical community?

So, in the coming weeks I am going to start digging in the research, looking at the symptoms of perimenopause and see if we can find some ways to feel better by making different nutritional choices and improving our lifestyles.  We should also be using these signs as a reminder to take better care of ourselves as women to promote healthy aging.


  1. HI Lara,

    I have a couple of friends that have been talking about Perimenopause lately. You bring up a really good question - why is the medical community overlooking this? You'd think there would be billions upon billions of dollars selling products to help this sort of issue. I wonder if it has anything to do with the reputation of woman issues like PMS.

    If you find any information in your searches regarding hormonal changes associated with Perimenopause that are linked to cancers that would be interesting too.

    Great job!

  2. Nicely expressed, Lara.

    What foods or nutritional compounds do you imagine may smooth the transition toward menopause? Anything specific beyond the normal, well-balanced diet with the range of vitamins and minerals? Hot flashes/cool foods? Cucumbers?

    I don't mean to sound flippant. Menopause actually looms large. My wife is rapidly approaching this time and any insight you can offer will be helpful as this is new territory.


    1. Joe,

      My plan is to address different symptoms each week and offer some relief with dietary changes.

      Stay Tunned :)

  3. Hi Lara,
    LOVE your blog topic! I have a friend who recently told me that she has been having hot flashes since she was in her twenties, so you are right on the money! Looking forward to reading more on this subject :) Good luck!
    Traci Bolin (Lifespan Nuttition class)

  4. Lara, it is so weird to see this-for the past 2 weeks i have not been feeling myself. I have been feeling "off"-vertigo like symptoms, hot flashes, irritable, trouble sleeping and forgetful. I took countless blood tests-my doctor tested for lyme, thyroid, inner ear...he tells me that there is no way i can be going through perimenopause. However, after doing some research and reading your blog, I'm not quite convinced that he is right....
