
Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is your wake-up call

Time to start being healthy?  Years fly by and we tend to tell ourselves we will start taking better care of “me” tomorrow, or next week, or on January 1st… Then we hit our mid-30’s to Late-40’s and we are just not feeling good.  We may be in the track of perimenopause and we are aggravating the hormonal imbalances by ignoring our wellbeing and health.  These symptoms are your wake up call.  Are you a little overweight? Not getting enough exercise? or sleep for that matter?

Excess weight can have effect on our hormone balances – Estrogen is also produced in adipose tissue along with the ovaries.  With our hormones already haywire the last thing we need to do is add to the problem.  It is now more important then ever to watch our weight and get to a healthy BMI.  Not sure what this you can check your weight and height on this chart:  http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/

Tip: Get to a healthy weight to keep the excess estrogen down.

Try a food diary for a week or so and reflect on your choices, so much of our eating can be unconscious.  Make sure to record your actual exercise too.

Start taking care of you.

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