
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tired, tired, tired.

Fatigue, yet another symptom of pre-menopause, is one of our body’s ways of telling us to make some lifestyle changes.  Of course if you are not getting enough sleep this could be a cause.  Also if you are not getting a good quality sleep, frequent waking for example, this would also cause fatigue.  AND, once again, hormone imbalances can be the contributor to your fatigue.

Once you follow the recommendations for some quality sleep, you can also try some good dietary habits to alleviate your fatigue:

* Eat a good breakfast – this is the fuel for your day.
* Don’t turn to caffeine or sweets for energy – stick to complex carbs and proteins: nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and veggies.
* Choose smaller more frequent meals to combat fatigue.

Tip: Fight Fatigue with Whole Foods.

Complex Carbs like whole grains, brown rice, fruits, and veggies along with Quality Protein such as lean meats, beans, and low-fat dairy can help fuel your body through these difficult times.

Remember to also get some exercise and good sleep.

If you take care of yourself you are sure to feel more perky. 

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