
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

3-Day Juice Detox

Some call it a fast, but with all of these nutrient-dense and beneficial produce ingredients I feel it is more appropriately called a detox, or even a diet jumpstart.  I have chosen the following recipes to provide a full spectrum of phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals.  Recipes for the juices that I will be using can be found on the Juicer Recipes post.

I will personally follow this plan beginning on Friday thru Sunday.  Nothing here is set in stone so feel free to substitute ingredients.  Some ingredients are linked to backup information about their health properties.  

A blog provided by WilliamsSonoma offers 30 days of juice recipes; like the recipes found here many are adapted from Reboot your Life (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead movie). 

Friday is a great day to start this 3-day plan so you can have time over the weekend away from everyday temptations to detox.  Pamper yourself: Take naps, Epsom baths, get a facial.  Try these at-home spa ideas from Whole Living. Drink LOTS of water.  Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and OTC medications.  Before you bathe or shower use a dry skin brush or loofah to assist in detox through the pores and skin.

For some additional tips on juicing read the Reboot Juicing tips by Stacy Kennedy MPH, RD, CSO, LDN - the nutritionist at Join the Reboot.

Days 1 through 3

Hot Water with a wedge of lemon and dash of cayenne

“Orange” Morning Juice

Large glass of water

Mean Green Mid-Morning Juice

8oz Water with 1oz Aloe Vera Juice

Purple Power Lunch-time Juice
8oz Water with 1 teaspoon Spirulina

Almond Date Banana Mid-afternoon Smoothie

Large glass of water

Tomato Gazpacho Dinnertime Juice

Large glass of water

Delicious Pineapple-Kiwi-Mint Dessert Juice
After this 3-day detox we will move into a DASH diet that includes juices and meals that are careful not to cause food insensitivities.

Click for a link to the ShoppingList for a 3-day juice detox

Any questions feel free to ask below.

Find me on Facebook: Lara McNeil on Nutrition and Food
And Twitter @LaraMcNeil

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