
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Juicer Recipes

I have chosen the following recipes to provide a full spectrum of phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals for my own 3-day juice detox.  Nothing here is set in stone so feel free to substitute ingredients.  Some products are linked to backup information about their health properties - just click each one to read. 

A blog provided by WilliamsSonoma offers 30 days of juice recipes; like the recipes found here many are adapted from Reboot your Life (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead movie), if you would like to find some substitutions.

“Orange” Morning Juice
         3 Carrots
         2 Apples
         1” Ginger

Mean Green Mid-Morning Juice
         1 Cucumber

         4 Celery stalks

         2 Apples

         6-8 leaves Kale
         6 sprigs Parsley
         1/2 Lemon

Purple Power Lunch-time Juice
         1 pear
         1 beet
         1 carrot
         1/2 cup red cabbage, coarse chop
         3 sprigs chard with stems

Almond Date Banana Mid-afternoon Smoothie
         3-4 Dates
         1-1/2 cup Unsweetened almond milk
         1 Cubed frozen banana
         ½ teaspoon cinnamon

Note: cube your bananas when you get home from the store and freeze them on a cookie sheet before transferring to a baggie.  These will be your ice cubes and will thicken your smoothie.  
Incorporate the ingredients for this smoothie using a standard household blender. 

Tomato Gazpacho Dinnertime Juice
         4 Plum Tomatoes

         1 lg Cucumber

         2 Celery stalks

         1 Red Bell Pepper

         1⁄4 sm Red Onion

         2 cups Cilantro, leaves and stems (or Parsley)
         2 cups spinach
         1 Lime
         ½ Jalapeno (optional)

Delicious Pineapple-Kiwi-Mint Dessert Juice
         1/4 large pineapple, peeled, cored and cut into cubes
         1 orange, peeled
         1 kiwifruit
         1 pear
         20 mint leaves

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