
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Detox and Chew

I have made it through 3 days of Juice!  OK, confession, I have had a few celery and carrot sticks along the way.  Today I didn’t drink nearly as much juice as the 1st and 2nd days.  I really am not very hungry.  I have had lots of water and herbal tea.

I made this juice this morning:

Fruit Salad Juice

Fruit Salad Juice

¼ pineapple
1 orange, peeled
1 kiwi, peeled
1 apple
1 pear
10 mint leaves
1oz Aloe Vera juice

So what’s next?  I have to chew – and I am going to add some Carbs, Protein and Healthy Fat.  Tonight I am making a few salads to have for the week. I am basically going to eat veggie this week: veggies, salads, vegetable soups, whole grains, seeds, beans, eggs, and tofu with a smaller amount of fruit.  Maybe I will have some tuna?

I will have no refined flours, sugars, processed foods, red meat, or dairy.  I am also going to stay away from the caffeine and alcohol for a while: continuing to eat clean. 

These are the salads I am making tonight:

Lemon-Dill White Bean Salad (I am using small red beans ~ cuz thats what I have).

It is my plan to top a large green salad with ½ cup of one of these grain-bean salads for lunch and dinner.

Breakfast will be a Fruit Juice and a Hard-boiled egg

I will also incorporate small quantities of nuts as snacks (10-15 nuts), along with more fresh vegetables and an afternoon Vegetable Juice. 

Stay tuned for menu plans and recipes. 

Find me on Facebook: Lara McNeil on Nutrition and Food

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