
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Shopping List for a 3-day juice detox

Here is the shopping list that I have created for a 3-day juice detox.

All the ingredients for 6 juices per day X 3 days:

Cayenne pepper
3 Lemons
3 Limes
3 oranges
1 Large pineapple
3 kiwifruit
3 bananas
12 Apples – choose a sweet variety such as Golden Delicious or Honey Crisp
6 pears
3 beets
12 Carrots
6 Cucumbers

18 Celery stalks
 (about 2 bunches of hearts)
2 Large bunches Kale
6 cups spinach
1 Large bunch swiss chard with stems
1 small red cabbage
12 Plum Tomatoes

3 Red Bell Pepper

2 Jalapeno peppers
1 Small Red Onion

1 Large bunch mint
1 Large bunch Parsley

1 Large bunch Cilantro
3” Ginger root
12 Dates
1/2 gallon Unsweetened almond milk
Spirulina, powdered
Aloe Vera Juice

If anything “left-over” from the 3-days of juicing I will incorporate into the DASH diet menu items.

Any questions feel free to ask below.

Find me on Facebook: Lara McNeil on Nutrition and Food

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